Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 75


Hi Family!!

Sending you a big hug for the new year!  I hope that this year will be full of blessings and that you can be surrounded by your families and loves ones.

Everything is going well here in California.  I was really sad to leave Camarillo and leave so many people that I love, but I am thankful to be here in Ventura.  I have only been here one week but I already love the members and the investigators so much!

We have an investigator named Salvador that is about to be baptized on February 6 :)  We are working to have him and his partner get married before that.  He came to church for the first time yesterday, and he stayed the 3 hours and loved it!  There was a member family that stayed with him all three hours and it was a great help and support for him :)

As a mission, we are focusing on teaching Repentance and Baptism.  In my Book of Mormon I have been marking every time Repentance is mentioned in the color red, and Baptism in the color blue.  It is incredible to see how many times they are mentioned and how many time the Lord tells us to repent and be baptized (or for those of us who are baptized, to renew our baptismal covenants and take the sacrament).  I am so grateful that I can take the sacrament every week and be clean.  Because we all make mistakes.  Big or small, but I know that every week we can be clean thanks to Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for us.

Well, I love you all!  My new companion is Hermana Griffis and she is form North Carolina!  I love her so much and I am learning so much from her, and we are both making goals so that we can be better.

Have a great week and next week enjoy taking the Sacarament :)

- Hermana Cuevas Da Silva ♥

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